
The gap between hard science and soft business is where I live. I enjoy the comfort of numbers and the uncertainty of society. I am inquisitive about too much and simply wish to take apart the world, one number at a time. I have an irresistible desire to understand how everything works.

My curiosity and education has taken me from architecture to mathematics, financial trading to physics, from aeronautics to business. I am an adept ad-hoc programmer and equally competent with a stack of lumber and some screws. Some would say I am a Jack-Of-All-Trades with a slight tendency toward analytics. Though not educated in any particular industry, my experience and creativity typically yields solutions surprising to many business veterans.

My occupation always could be crudely described as a model builder or problem solver. I uncover knowledge and sift it out for general consumption all the while appreciative of the business constraints. These models need not be complicated for me as a moving average often suffices in forecasting for many clients. Likewise I enjoy combating complex problems with imperfect data. These may require optimizing or writing custom code, creatively cleaning data, visualizing high dimensionality, or using typically unconventional modeling techniques.

I enjoy teaching as much as learning. If you or your company has any curiosities, I would love to converse with you further on them. Be it simple Excel questions, complex theoretical economical models, building a tree house or taking apart a car, I believe I could help.

- John Hilbert