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John P Hilbert
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”

– William Bruce Cameron

Work History
Aug 2016 – Oct 2017 (1 yr 3 mos)
Manager, Predictive Analytics
Built a robust enterprise level data science team in the heart of a division wide restructuring. Fostered use of novel data, technologies, and methods in the company for analytical use. Built sound analytical practices dwelling on organization, quality, and documentation.
Notable projects include:
  • Developed methods of uncovering optimal health service locations (R)
  • Strategically created hierarchical geographic market segments for use throughout the enterprise (R)
Apr 2015 – Aug 2016 (1 yr 5 mos)
Lead Data Scientist
Built a world class, highly motivated team of technologists working on building analytical solutions helping organizations make benefit decisions. My focus was to relentlessly deliver high quality and innovative analytics using Scrum and lean principles.
  • analytical leader of a team of data scientists responsible for researching, designing, prototyping, and validating analytical solutions
  • drove innovative solutions based on exploratory data analysis applying knowledge of software engineering, statistics, data modeling, simulation, and advanced mathematics to recognize patterns, identify opportunities, pose business questions.
  • fostered a cross-functional, agile environment spanning data warehousing, data modeling, data analytics, and data product development.
  • determining the best design and timeline to apply practical data science based solutions to actual business problems. This frequently involved deciding the correct tradeoffs between accuracy, performance, scalability, and delivery time.
  • communicated data-driven actionable results and recommendations clearly and concisely to senior leadership and non‐quantitative audiences, including key business partners and clients.
  • developed and drove changes to complex business and systems processes in partnership with other areas of the business such as data warehousing/business intelligence, IT, and operations.
Sep 2010 – Apr 2015 (4 yrs 8 mos)
Data Scientist
Uncover insight to assist product owner and executives in making informed yet actionable decisions. Promote the benefit and proper use of analytics throughout the organization. Collector and custodian of various internal and external pieces of data. Departmental liaison and advisor for teams and departments on software and analytics.
Notable undertakings include:
  • Promotion and design of web-based dashboards and data visualization tools
  • Financial time series projections for corporate budget for each business line
  • Error detection / correction of provider records via network analysis models
  • Provider network modeling, analysis, and visualization
Nov 2008 – Sep 2010 (1 yr 11 mos)
Quality Assurance Lead
Thomson Reuters (formerly Aegisoft, LLC)
Quality Assurance testing of financial trading platform specializing in equities, currencies, and commodities.
Primary responsibilities include:
  • Managing, coordinating and training global off-site and local QA engineers.
  • Black–box testing of algorithmic trading platform and associated applications.
  • Documentation of new features, including automated algorithms and preparation of test plans.
Aug 2007 – Aug 2008 (1 yr 1 mo)
Quantitative Analyst / Consultant
During my final years of my graduate program, worked as a virtual contractor for a trading team in Chicago specializing in fixed income and equities.
Notable undertakings include:
  • Cluster analysis and signal recognition for creation of equity trading strategies.
  • Market simulation optimization using innovative GA approaches in C#.
  • Time series analysis of equities using ARMAX, VARMA, and wavelet transforms in MATLAB.
May 2004 – Aug 2007 (3 yrs 4 mos)
Adjunct Professor / Teaching Assistant
Typical graduate student duties involve assisting in recitations and grading. Over time this evolved into being fully responsible for teaching a class.
  • Taught introductory physics to college students in a fast paced summer session.
  • Assisted professors by teaching weekly recitations and grading homework and exams promptly.
M.S. Physics (ABD)
GPA: 3.79
  • Doctorate candidate with preliminary proposal: Spin glass agent models applied to equity trading.
  • Publication: “Charmonium-Nucleon Dissociation Cross Sections in the Quark Model”.
B.S. Mathematics & B.S. Physics
GPA: 3.35
Activities and Societies:
  • Pi Mu Epsilon
  • Mathematics Fraternity Society of Physics Students – Member and Chapter Founder
  • Pi Mu Epsilon Senior Mathematics Award
  • Center of Nuclear Physics Award
  • Physics Leadership Award for creating and presiding over Kent State’s Society of Physics Students
  • Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout


One of the first things I learned in healthcare is that know one understands healthcare. It is vastly over-complex. Most of this complexity is in the data which is often times incomplete or incorrect. I am fortunate to obtained my knowledge from top innovators, seasoned veterans, and self-exploration. I never assume it works the way it is described unless I witness it myself.
Financial Markets
I was introduced to markets through colleagues who migrated from the sciences. Never a true trader, I learned most from theory and working in the back-office.
Not actually an industry, I felt it should be mentioned as a software-as-a-service business runs a bit different. The company is always busy building and listening to the company. The best are well oiled machines and I do have an appreciation of their inner-workings.


Data Mining
Time Series Analysis
Agile / SCRUM
I had several opportunities managing people from mentoring on the side to full-blown building and managing. In my various experiences, I have a much better view of the strain and responsibilities of management not often seen by employees. Though I enjoyed those experiences, I prefer to spend my time solving analytical rather than social problems.


My favorite go-to language for analytics. Never built a package but pretty darn close to being an expert. I am especially adept at tidyverse
Every data scientist should be comfortable with SQL. I tend to do as much wrangling as I can in the database. By no means would say I am an ETL developer, though know enough.
Web Dev