2018 Federal Tax Estimator

I was watching the news the other day and heard a commotion about the new 2018 tax brackets. Something about they were late, companies are having a tough adjusting pay, and that employees should double check their pay checks. Oh, and the government will at some point share an easy estimator tool. I sighed and […]

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Composite Plots in R: GrObs

In Part 1 we covered stacking similar and different plot types in ggplot2 and gridExtra. Unfortunately we ran into limitations that hindered us from creating a complex plot such as a pie charts overlaid on a map (which I won’t exactly cover yet, sorry).  To accomplish this we need to dive into the inter-working of GrObs.

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Composite Plots in R: Facets and gridExtra

Ever want to combine multiple plots into a consistent file easily without having to open up Inkscape or GIMP? Perhaps you never thought you would need a garden of pie charts but rather: Revenue of multiple products over the fiscal year. Price (line) and volume (bar) of a stock over time. Income distribution (pie) per […]

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Better Web-Based Tables?

I recently have been doing more and more data visualization.  Mostly I have been leaning towards open source and web-based options (my current favorite is d3.js which primarily works with SVG elements). Charts and graphs I have had little issue with.  Where I ran into problems, oddly, was with tables. This begged the question: Do we need […]

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Dates To Spans (SQL Time Gaps)

Recently I had a table such as this: ID  BEGIN_DATE 2600      01-JAN-08 2600      01-FEB-08 2600      01-MAR-08 2600      01-JUL-13 3318      01-APR-08 3318      01-JUL-13 … … which signifies when a particular ID is active on a monthly basis.  When it isn’t, it just does not show up.  I thought it would be more concise and useful for […]

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Quick and Easy Organization Charts

For the longest time (and before my D3 Organization Chart post) I have been looking for organization charts in my company.  Some departments are outdated, some are unavailable on the intranet, some are in this format or that format.  In the end I have dozens of pieces of the puzzle that still need to be fit together. […]

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D3 Organization Chart

I’ve done alot of network analysis in my career using various tools such as R, Python, Gephi, etc. however always ran into a problem of how to make much of the insights a bit more self-service. Yes, of course you can, as I have, make many plots, posters, or animations, however still lacked that je ne […]

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Using Supply and Demand for Location Allocation

At various times I have been asked to give insight in uncovering optimal locations for buildings. It is a very interesting optimization problems that I find myself coming back to every so often even though I am not formally trained or involved with marketing, real estate, or GIS. There are methods and even ArcGIS has […]

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Using Decision Trees to Reduce Hospital Readmissions

I wrote an article for Applied Health Economics and Health Policy a while back on using decision trees in healthcare. The models are not as sophisticated as the models we were using internally at the time however it gives a short demonstration of the power of decision trees. I thoroughly believe that even these simple models are […]

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Nationwide Hospital Voronoi Tessellation

This is an interactive voronoi diagram of U.S. hospitals. In brief, the algorithm bisects neighboring pairs of hospitals generating polygons. All points within a hospital’s polygon are nearest to that particular hospital. You may think of this area as their catchment area.

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